
Fix Macbook External Monitor Green Tint Issue

I found solution on internet, it works 【system settings > accessibility > display > cursor, and then turning off "shake mouse pointer to locate"】 BUT, after macbook enter sleep or screen saver for while GREEN Tint come back only way to fixed is do turn on/off "shake mouse pointer to locate" again fuck apple.

MacBook battery charge level limit

source: https://github.com/zackelia/bclm   command line tool for Intel and Apple silicon chipset install $ unzip bclm.zip $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin $ sudo cp bclm /usr/local/bin setup command sudo bclm write 70

Windows 10/11 內建開HEIC圖片

目前唯一還有效的方式 到 https://store.rg-adguard.net/   選擇搜尋項目: Productld 搜尋關鍵字:9n4wgh0z6vhq 然後下方清單選 日期新 的下載,安裝

Setup Wireguard VPN Server On Windows 11

Please follow the steps below  1.Download windows installer from wireguard official website: https://www.wireguard.com/install/ 2.Generate config using Wireguard Tool: https://www.wireguardconfig.com/ 3.Add Tunnel And Active, named it as "NAME_YOU_WANT" 4.Go to Windows Network Setting, setup Share internet, right click your internet connection network interface, Check the checkbox for "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection, Select interface "NAME_YOU_WANT" from droplist. that's all,but every time you reboot windows, you'll lose share internet function, so you have to do follow step: *Go to Windows Network Setting, setup Share internet, right click your internet connection network interface, UNCHECK    the checkbox for "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection  and press OK now,do step 4 again.you'll get shering internet connection work correct.


看到799 rmb的雅典娜AX6600手癢忍不住,又入手新的京東雲啦 開箱文到處都有,只講一些比較少在其他開箱文提到的,讓台灣有考慮購買的人一些參考。 這次雅典娜的規格依舊不錯,很有京東雲路由器的傳統:【規格強大,訊號範圍廣,但NAS功能貧弱】 ,尤其是獨立FEM一個也沒省,FEM晶片內包含PA、LNA,對訊號能力影響很大 ,實際使用這台雅典娜 訊號也非常好,非常可惜的就是沒有NAS功能 ,離線下載據說之後會補上,需要離線BT的可別下手,還好有上一台京東雲刷padavan作為旁路由,一些 DDNS、BT下載、AdGuard home 這類功能,就交給旁路由去處理,因為一台訊號範圍就很大,基本用不到mesh功能,目前關閉5G-2頻道,當作雙頻機來用。 除了功能比較少,另外有一個小缺點,就是氣溫顯示抓不到台灣縣市,永遠顯示0度,因為不能顯示天氣,後來就把點陣螢幕關掉,底下的led漸層光也關閉,沒有光害看起來也不錯。 之後再補充收益,雖然個人是不期待,這價格在台灣也買得到TP-Link AX73這種等級的機器, 並不會輸這台京東雲 ,單純有點陣LED很特別,想換新口味玩玩。 最後附上規格給大家參考 CPU:Qualcomm IPQ6010 1.8Ghz A53 RAM: 1.0 G ROM: 128 G LAN: 2.5Gbps x 1 1.0Gbps x 4 USB: USB 3.0 x 1 5G-1(5.2Ghz):Qualcomm QCN9024 4T4R AX 160mhz 4800Mbps 支援頻道36-64,有DFS頻道可用 獨立FEM x 4 5G-2(5.8Ghz):Qualcomm QCN5052 2T2R AX 80mhz 1201Mbps 支援頻道149-161 獨立FEM x 2 2.4G:Qualcomm QCN5022 2T2R AX 40mhz 574Mbps 獨立FEM x 2 點陣螢幕輪播:(可多選) 時間、氣溫、收益、上下傳速率、設備數量 可Mesh組網

macOS convert PNG to HEIC

  for i in *.png; do sips -s format heic -s formatOptions 100 "${i}" --out "${i%png}heic"; done

Clean Windows RDP History

save code as .bat