
目前顯示的是 3月, 2019的文章

ext4 格式化指令

使用mkfs.ext4 參數: 模擬格式化:-n 大inode:-T largefile 關閉寫入日誌:-O ^has_journal EX: 磁碟位於/dev/sda1 先模擬結果 mkfs.ext4 -n -T largefile -O ^has_journal /dev/sda1 再實際寫入 mkfs.ext4 -T largefile -O ^has_journal /dev/sda1 如果系統找不到mkfs可改用mke2fs mke2fs -t ext4 -T largefile -O ^has_journal /dev/sda1

Blue Cave Merlin frimware (unofficial)

O riginal post: https://www.right.com.cn/forum/thread-319593-1-1.html Download : http://k3c.paldier.com/bluecave/ Mirror: http://bluecave.paldier.com/bluecave/ Install and restore: Just flash it the same way you would flash any regular Asus firmware.